Alive I want to reach out to you because I've posted some ambiguous comments about the Witnesses. Sometimes I have trouble articulating and it takes several days to formulate the words for my thoughts. I've always felt there had to be either one true religion or no true religions. There couldn't be two true religions, could there? So with that in mind, who else could it be other than the Witnesses IF there would be a true religion? As Slim referenced the neutrality issue, it seems obvious that one basic prerequisite would be that members of the true religion wouldn't kill members that live in other countries, right? So who else does that leave? Regardless, that doesn't mean I'm going back. I'm just not worried about it. (not that I wasn't before or may not be again). IF Jehovah is real, I'm completely comfortable leaving my fate in his hands. If he wants me dead forever I'm okay with that. I'm sure there is nothing I can do to change his mind! He'll have to live with himself, not me. Of course, that's how I'm feeling lately but that will most likely change (as usual).